Monday, November 9, 2009

EFX-TEK EZ-8 Review

When EFX-TEK released the EZ-8 bit-banger prop controller this year, I must admit I was cautiously excited. I have always appreciated the ease of programming of the EFX-TEK line of controllers, and wasn't exactly sure that there was a need for a simplified version. But that has all changed...

It was the afternoon of Halloween, 2009, and I was still fighting with my major popup. The compressor wasn't behaving, and with the touchy compressor, I had to be extremely precise with the timing. Turns out that on a short timeline, and with the need for precision timing, the EZ-8 was the perfect solution.

After quickly skimming the manual, I got right to work programming my EZ-8. The simplicity saved the evening, and the controller worked wonderfully all night long. Thanks to Jon and John for another awesome product!

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